360-degree driver assistance system for Mazda
360-degree driver assistance system for Mazda
360 around view driving and parking aid car camera system with original interllegent control
Left+Right+Front perfectly Match with Ford Origal Rear view camera and monitor
Easy for 360 panoramic bird view driving and parking assist
Display front/rear/left/right four camera image
Left turning: Display pictures in tri-split mode with left view.
Right turning: Display pictures in tri-split mode with right view.
Reversing: Display Rear view camera and 360 around simulation panorama view.
Front view: Display Front view after reversing.
Video input: 3-ch video input
Video output: Single channel composite video output
Display mode: Left camera/Right Camera/Front Camera/Back camera
Video standard: NTSC
Working voltage: 12V DC
Working current: Less than 200mA
Working temperature: -20—80°C
Package weight:805g
BOX size:30*20*7.3CM
Packing list:
main box*1pcs
car camera*3pcs (left+right+front)
camera extension cable with trigger wire*3pcs
18mm holesaw*1pcs (for side camera install)
screws *4pcs (for front camera install)
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Contact: XY
Phone: 18922301767
E-mail: CEO@saferdriving.cn
Add: 46 # pan long rode Bai yun guang zhou City Guang Dong